Friday, January 11, 2013

The Return of the Butternut Squash

Everything had been going smoothly. For an entire week we had made it germ free. I swore after the last sickness, once I got better, things were going to change! I was going to become the best mother EVER! There would be no stopping my wonderful motherness. I would let no more illness take me down! Yeah well that was short lived. It all started this past Saturday. Emma and I went to visit her Nana. I had made butternut squash for lunch, Emma’s first time having it. Everything went really well, better than expected. She loved it! I was pleased to be able to check off another veggie on her growing “love to eat” list.

So, what does butternut squash have to do with germs and sickness? Well, after a hearty lunch I gave her the rest for dinner (another large portion). At both sittings she ate a lot, more than I thought she was capable of eating. Then came Saturday night, the beginning of the worse vomiting/ diaper explosion nightmare I have ever seen and she had plenty of squash to fuel everything. I wish I had known that she was about to get violently ill from a stomach virus so maybe oh I don’t know, I wouldn’t have fed her 2 lbs of squash earlier in the day! My heart went out to my poor baby as yet again there was little I could do to help except bath her 3 times a day and do a million loads of laundry after endless secretions kept coming out.

Of course, like a rapid wild fire the virus took first me and then my husband. So once again, nothing got done around the house for a few days. I was very upset because we have now spent a month and a half in and out of quarantine. I am pleased to report that we are finally on the mend and making progress toward symbolizing a normal family unit. We even got our Christmas decorations put away. I told my husband last night that I finally had energy so we needed to do it now or never because who knows when the next evil virus would strike. I did see Emma’s nose running the other day. Maybe I should make her some butternut squash….just in case. 

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Daycare Separation Anxiety

I of course am talking about ME, mommy having separation anxiety being away from Emma. The thing is Emma LOVES being at daycare but mommy does not like being away. I had a hard time letting go when I put Emma in daycare, especially in the beginning. I did not mentally prepare myself well enough for the transition from maternity leave to daycare. Going from everyday being with your baby almost 24/7 to suddenly having this huge 8 hour gap in time together was extremely traumatic for me to say the least. Not to mention that Emma was still pretty much helpless at that point and was not getting attention every second like I had given her, which really upset me. I think she started daycare to early, but that’s a whole other post.

Right now, I have the amazing perk of her daycare being located right inside my office building. I know it is a rare and magnificent miracle and for the past 4 ½ months I have been able to go down and see her everyday which has helped both of us tremendously. In fact, in the beginning, I would go twice a day. I finally scaled it back to once a day a few months back. I am by no means trying to wave my good fortune in the face of others that don’t have daycare in their building but it is amazing to be able to leave the spread sheet you have been staring at for hours or run out of a two hour meeting to go sit and play with your child for a few minutes. I love every minute of it.

After going to visit Emma at day care every day I started getting to know the ins and outs of the place pretty well. I got to know the women who were taking care of Emma. I got to get to know the other kids. Everyone started to know who I was. It has been my second home. I never thought it would be so hard for me to let go, to not be with my child every second of every day (trust me I don’t really want to be with her EVERY second) but still having daycare so close is a nice arrangement for someone who is new to being a parent and a working parent on top of that.

I am finally getting to the point of my long winded mushy mush post. I think the day has finally come where I can’t go see Emma at daycare every day any more. She has entered her attachment phase. She cries when she is aware I leave the room. Drop offs are easy because she is still sleepy and disoriented, but when mommy shows up in the middle of the day to play then leaves? WHOLE different story. Not to mention she is moving around on her own now and is comfortable with the other kids. Hello independence! So, the need for me to see her everyday has lessened but that does not mean I want it to end! Where is the happy laughter I got to hear after a droning conference call? What excuse will I have to give my eyes a rest from the 1 point font hundred page spread sheets? The truth is, sometimes I wish I was working at the daycare and not doing other work. (A post on my job to follow). I suppose for now I will sacrifice my wants for my child’s well-being. I will stay away from daycare until Emma is over the clingy phase. I guess only one question remains … do they allow daily visits in elementary school? 

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Teeth and Standing, The Milestones Keep Coming

We have teeth! That’s right we have not one, but TWO tiny chompers a comin in! Land ho! Ahoy maties we have two tiny barnacles sailing through the drool tides to stake claim in the land of Baby Gum Isle!  I have to say that my husband is the most excited of all about the whole thing. Every time he sees her he asks her “how the teethies (pronounces teefies) are doing” like an excited little kid! It is hilarious to see my husband, a big burly dude, squealing over two little baby teeth!

We also have a stander-upper! That’s right, Emma is pulling herself up on the couch, in her play yard, in her crib, and on her taller toys. The look on her face when she moves is amazing to me, almost a matter-of-fact, ho hum look like she knows exactly what she is doing and what she is trying to accomplish. Like standing unassisted oh yeah I know that, now let me try it. She just turned 7 months old and here I was thinking I would not have to worry about having a walker for a few more months, but it seems like that was wishful thinking. Not that I don’t want her to walk, I’m thrilled she is making moves and developing at her own pace, it just that my baby is growing up so fast (yes nostalgic mother moment here) I remember the days when rolling over was a big deal and now that seems like just a faint memory.

I will keep you posted on these new developments but for now I thought I would share the good news! We are knee deep in milestones here!

What milestones are you going through with your little one right now? 

Friday, January 4, 2013

Hello, Mr. Sandman a Little Help?

So if the Sandman had an evil opposite twin it would be who we have been dealing with these past few weeks. We have managed to clear the sleep regression hurdle and are back to sleeping through the night but we never shook the desire to not fall asleep and then scream uncontrollably when we get anywhere near the crib.

Last night I found myself trapped in Emma’s room. She was rustling and tussling while we rocked squirming and squealing while I hummed. I kept my eyes on the warm glow of light coming in from the hallway. The key to my sanity salvation lay just beyond. After a half hour of rocking and standing over her in the crib, while she fussed and fought, there was finally a glimmer of hope, she had gotten comfy in her crib. I saw my chance to escape. Ever so slowly and cautiously, I lifted one foot at a time and gently placed them on the ground, jumping at any sign of the slightest creek from the floor. My whole body was tense as I inched for what seemed like hours over to the door. Once at the door I smiled at my small triumph only to realize a much greater challenge lay ahead…opening the door. This posed two monumental problems that could lead to a potential slumber meltdown. One, as soon as I open the door, the light from the hall will flood the room and could wake Emma. Two and probably the most important since one will not even happen if I don’t get past two, I need to open the door without it squeaking. I am not sure if I have ever mentioned it, but the house we currently inhabit is my husband’s stepmother’s house, as in the house she grew up in, so it is getting up there in age and it seems like everything squeaks and creeks and generally is not baby sleep friendly. Anyways, so there I was clutching the side of the door, looking longingly at the light from the hallway….freedom! After what seemed like another hour of inching, I finally got the door open (squeaks and all) and made my escape!

The thing is, I get it, I know what the bedtime problem is and I know what to do. This is where we need to work on reestablishing our routine. We had fallen off the wagon while Emma and I were sick so now I am trying to go back to getting her to calm down right before bed, bathing and feeding. It is difficult. I can see a lifetime of disagreements about bedtime ahead. That would be my child though, spirited and stubborn just like her parents. I will do my best to have patience and continue establishing a solid routine. After all, we have years to perfect it. 

Have you had difficulty getting your little one to sleep? What bedtime routines do you recommend?