Friday, January 4, 2013

Hello, Mr. Sandman a Little Help?

So if the Sandman had an evil opposite twin it would be who we have been dealing with these past few weeks. We have managed to clear the sleep regression hurdle and are back to sleeping through the night but we never shook the desire to not fall asleep and then scream uncontrollably when we get anywhere near the crib.

Last night I found myself trapped in Emma’s room. She was rustling and tussling while we rocked squirming and squealing while I hummed. I kept my eyes on the warm glow of light coming in from the hallway. The key to my sanity salvation lay just beyond. After a half hour of rocking and standing over her in the crib, while she fussed and fought, there was finally a glimmer of hope, she had gotten comfy in her crib. I saw my chance to escape. Ever so slowly and cautiously, I lifted one foot at a time and gently placed them on the ground, jumping at any sign of the slightest creek from the floor. My whole body was tense as I inched for what seemed like hours over to the door. Once at the door I smiled at my small triumph only to realize a much greater challenge lay ahead…opening the door. This posed two monumental problems that could lead to a potential slumber meltdown. One, as soon as I open the door, the light from the hall will flood the room and could wake Emma. Two and probably the most important since one will not even happen if I don’t get past two, I need to open the door without it squeaking. I am not sure if I have ever mentioned it, but the house we currently inhabit is my husband’s stepmother’s house, as in the house she grew up in, so it is getting up there in age and it seems like everything squeaks and creeks and generally is not baby sleep friendly. Anyways, so there I was clutching the side of the door, looking longingly at the light from the hallway….freedom! After what seemed like another hour of inching, I finally got the door open (squeaks and all) and made my escape!

The thing is, I get it, I know what the bedtime problem is and I know what to do. This is where we need to work on reestablishing our routine. We had fallen off the wagon while Emma and I were sick so now I am trying to go back to getting her to calm down right before bed, bathing and feeding. It is difficult. I can see a lifetime of disagreements about bedtime ahead. That would be my child though, spirited and stubborn just like her parents. I will do my best to have patience and continue establishing a solid routine. After all, we have years to perfect it. 

Have you had difficulty getting your little one to sleep? What bedtime routines do you recommend? 

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