Sunday, November 11, 2012

My Dream in a Galaxy Far Far Away

I know by now we have all heard the news that Disney bought out George Lucas which includes several franchises, but the only one anyone should be concerned about (ok the only one I care about) is the Star Wars franchise, particularly the creation of the next trilogy. Every day since I heard the news I have been very antsy and distraught to the point were I feel like I want to jump out of my skin with anxiety. There is A LOT riding on this. Which is why I am formally announcing that it would truly fulfill my life’s purpose if I was able to assist in the writing and production of these films! (No I don’t think I’m asking too much.)

I have a lot invested in Star Wars. It was the ultimate magical trilogy of my childhood. It is one of only a handful of things on this earth I share a strong bond with my father over. It impacted me so profoundly, that I wrote my own fan fiction sequel (one of my first lengthy pieces of writing). I should not need to reiterate any more how immensely important the success of these next films are to me. To add a cherry on top, these will be the trilogy of my daughter’s generation. I like to try to glaze over the memory of the prequel films and send out this plea for the next set since in all likelihood, the execs from Disney will not be knocking at my door. Please DO NOT MESS UP THESE MOVIES In the spirit of a blog favorite, I have decided to list my top 10 pieces of advise to Disney that will, I believe ensure the success of any future films to come.

      1. This I do feel is the most important and I know I might meet some resistance with this, but for my idea of success, please, please BRING BACK THE PUPPETS!!! If I have to see a graphically disturbing image of Yoda I might cry. For some reason to me, a wise, old Jedi is at his expressive best as a tangible 3D entity on screen

      2. To piggyback off of that, if you are going to have any digital graphics at all, get the best out there, or go back to the models! Yes, I said it! The magic of the models helped to make Star Wars what it was. Simplicity is best for this blogger.

     3. The plot: Do not make it overly complicated, keep it believable, and try to have a good balance of action and love story (yes I am going to be looking for a Solo, Leia for the new generation.)

      4. One or two BIG TWISTS please! No, not Luke is Jabba’s sister’s baby daddy but come up with something that will leave us captivated!

      5. Give us a cliffhanger! By the time I was able to watch the trilogy the whole Han Solo gets frozen thing was mystery solved. I would like a good nail bitter at the end of the second film.

      6. Characters – We all know what makes a great story, character development! Please give us some substance! (Particularly a badass female Jedi) There needs to be an absolutely believable villain and well thought out comic relief (R2D2 yes, JarJar Binks NO WAY)

      7. Dialog – Like those that have gone before, the dialog/ acting does not have to be spot on, it would be good, but not a must if 1-6 are followed!

      8.  I am certainly not apposed to bringing back old friends (Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher heck even good old Harrison, come on down!)

      9. Music – John Williams only – nothing more to say here

      10. Make it magical and awe-inspiring. I really don’t think that is too much to ask. People have to talk about this for another 30 years.

There is a lot ridding on this for me as well as others. Disney, I offer my expertise and advise to you free of charge, but feel free to contact me directly because I have not divulged major details of my ideas on here. And rest assured blog world I will always be waiting to do battle with my light saber and use the force but you Disney now hold the power to bring all of this to reality and for now, I am still nervous. 

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