Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Technology Meltdow

So I know we’ve all been there, that time when mommy’s “lovey” aka her cell phone, laptop, fill in the blank tech devise bites the dust. When your inner voice is yelling, “nooooo I did not back that up!” You try to keep your cool around the kids too, like no mommy is not freaking out right now.”

Well this happened to me yesterday. My cell phone, my lifeline, had been on the frits for a month or so and yesterday it decided to go to cell phone heaven.  I naturally was banging my head on my desk at work thinking of what an idiot I was for knowing the phone was near death and not taking the precaution to back up my data. Of course by data I mean all of the pictures my husband took at the hospital when Emma was born with my cell phone camera! (We took pictures on our digital camera too but those were not the same, ok they kind of were the same but you mommies know what I mean by NOT the same.) Not to mention all of those precious moments we had together while I was on maternity leave. Her first time in her bouncer, several smiling pictures which are SUPER hard to capture, some videos of her first babbling and laughing, all of those moments you capture on your cell phone because the camera is never at hand. 

After some extreme mommy guilt I ran over to the cell phone store at lunch to find all of my precious photos and video memories still intact after the cell phone associate waved his magic cell phone cool gadget wand. I was so elated! I have them saved now and I will be more careful with my “mommy lovey” from here on out.

So, just a quick word to the wise, plan ahead, back up your precious materials because you never know when that glass of water will spill or the dog finds a new chew toy.  You do not want to lose those precious moments! 

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