Now that you have been introduced to “the fur babies” I
thought I would share a moment of pure anguish and terror that wreaks havoc
throughout my holidays. This is the time when you are supposed to be merry and
full of cheer and, I generally am. Sitting in my tiny two bed room, one bath,
rented house with four dogs and a baby, I am quite cozy and happy during the
holidays, until I turn on the TV.
After I put Emma to sleep and dinner is underway I sometimes
enjoy a bit of mindless TV watching. Yup, it’s just me and my four dogs
snuggling in the living room when it hits, unsuspectingly….the sad doggie/
kitty commercials!!!!!! Oh God NOOOOOOO!!!! There are several different
commercials and they seem to reach their tear jerking peek around the holidays
(probably when they get the majority of their donations so they make sure to run them every other commercial break.) And I HATE THEM!
Why, why, must you find the exact moment to come on when the
remote is out of reach or I am temporarily paralyzed from performing various
mommy duties and can’t change the channel! Then comes the sad music and BIG
GLARING DOGGIE EYES! I want to scream at the narrator “But….. I already have
FOUR DOGS!!!” Three of which were saved from a difficult life. Vet bills, toys,
food, and not to mention a human baby and trying to save up for a bigger house
and yard leaves little else to donate for the others and yet, the guilt! Oh the
guilt! Even if I am in another room and I hear the commercial start I want to
cry. There are so many others that need help, that need good homes! The best I
can do is to try to talk my other friends into adopting. I really want to be
able to do more but all I can do is the best for the ones I have and know that
when we can, we will save another furry friend.
I know adoption is not for every family, but there are so
many ways you can help! Want information on how you can help out a furry friend
for the holidays? Visit:
Anyone have a good adoption story or a good way to cope with the commercials?
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