Of course I panicked that she had a fever but my previous
experience with panicking and running her straight to the ER when she had a
fever proved detrimental so my husband offered to get her and take her to the
pediatrician. After the coast was clear and I didn’t have to panic (just a bad
virus again), I settled into being sick at home with a sick baby. My husband was a
great help and we made it through all of the middle of the night coughing fits
and snot sucking screams fairly well. In the process however, we missed several
more specially planned holiday events. If you recall, we missed out on going to
the tree farm and now we missed out on our ugly Christmas sweater party (I had
even found a ugly baby sweater for Emma at the thrift store).
All the merriment I had left in my Christmas plans
was going to my other office Christmas Party (the one I planned specifically
for my smaller team). I needed it to go well. My husband was good
enough to get a half day off on Tuesday, the day of the party, to be with Emma which gave me a few hours out of the house to set up and attend the beginning of
the party. Needless to say everything that could go wrong did. The caterers
were a half hour late preparing the food (that I called to check on the day
before), the room we had reserved in the building had “otherwise been occupied”
by another group whose holiday cheer did not include sharing, or even giving a
damn that someone else already had the nice party room reserved, so after all
of this chaos I could only manage to do what was within my power and grab the
decorations and cupcakes I had so loving baked and frosted the night before. Of
course being all sweaty and discombobulated from the previously stated
atrocities (including having little sleep from being up with a sick baby), I
was out of it and shoved everything onto an unstable push cart and raced toward
the new party destination (the not so private, overly crowded cafeteria). As I
ran to catch the elevator, the wheels on the cart got stuck in the slat at the
bottom where the elevator connects with the floor and well ... the cupcakes did not make it. They flew through the air and landed all over the floor coming to a
rest in the elevator shaft. So, I ended up literally scrapping the office Christmas
party cheer off the floor of an elevator. At this point I broke down and cried. I ended up not even
returning to the party. I left humiliated and upset.
I guess my mommy strength is really being tested because I
have yet to have one great holiday experience (excluding craft club quilting).
I am trying desperately to have one happy experience for Emma on her first
Christmas. In looking back, maybe spending all that time with her while she was
sick was all she really wanted for Christmas. It was simple and uninterrupted
time that was not a stressful event with massive potential for something to go
wrong. There was no pressure to just sit on the floor and play with her. So maybe
we both got what we really wanted for Christmas.
Ugh. Hugs. That all totally sucks. Also, I could never bring myself to suck the snot out of Doug's nose. I felt like a dementor trying to suck out his soul. I'm sure Emma is loving all the extra cuddles though. And you get Monday off as a bonus! Not all bad right? I'm sure that at some point you'll look back and laugh, or at least not cry hysterically, at her first Christmas.