Tuesday, December 11, 2012

This Year’s Christmas Family Tradition: Daddy picks out the tree from a store lot

Yes that’s right, the magical journey to the tree farm did not happen. The Christmas Carols on the car ride to the farm, the hot chocolate at the farm, the hour(s?) spent hunting down the perfect tree, the crisp air and smiling faces of other families enjoying the same magical togetherness … did not happen.  Emma was very sick last weekend and the beginning of this week (thus why I have been on hiatus). Her health is priority number one and I did not want to put her in harms way, so I did what any mother who has to stay home with a sick child when they so desperately want to pick out the perfect Christmas tree will do, I looked my husband in the eye and told him to find the tree of all trees. A tree so magnificent that it would make the Grinch cry tears of joy. So magnificent that it makes all the toys in toy land say Whoomp there it is! 

Now I do not consider myself someone that is extremely hard to please. I wouldn’t even say that I am picky, ok maybe just particular. Needless to say I was a little worried about daddy having to venture out on his own to find a tree and not just ANY tree, Emma’s first Christmas tree. The tree she would see in all of the pictures of her first Christmas. The first tree she would see all lit up with lights and sparkles, her first taste of Christmas magic. (I mean come on now people you can’t tell me that doesn’t elevate this to def con 5.) I told my husband to make sure it was full and sturdy. The results were better than I had imagined. The Christmas tree fairy must have been with him because he came home with a tree that looked just as good as if we had cut it down, maybe even better. In fact the more I look at it, the more it looks like the best tree we’ve had since we’ve been together.

So, life got in the way of the “perfect” holiday plan. I’m sure it’s not the last time something I have planned gets put on the back burner for something more important because even though having a great tree is part of the overall Christmas experience I want for my child, it’s really the love, the people that make the holidays. Cheesy yes, but very true, in all of the holiday hullabaloo I can never lose site of the health and happiness of my family. That is all anyone wishes for. 

Do you have any stories of holiday plans gone wrong?

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