Friday, December 28, 2012

The Patterson’s Night After Christmas

T’was the night after Christmas and all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, except for an annoyed spouse

The stockings fell off the bar they were taped with little care
Because St. Nicholas had already been there

The baby was screaming unsnug in her bed
While painful teeth were coming through her little head

Mama drinking cough syrup and dad in his Redskins cap
Were hoping to pass out for an after Christmas nap

When out in the dining room there rose such a clatter
We rock paper scissored each other to go see what was the matter

Away to the dining room I shuffled not being rash
Tripped on a dog and heard a splash

I looked down as the dog vomit did grow
I rolled my eyes and groaned to the puddle below

When what to my blood shot eyes had appeared
But a mountain of presents that had done what I feared

They crashed to the ground; it happened so quick
So many toys and most did not come from Saint Nick (he was too broke to afford all that)

My feet did not move rapidly as crashing they came
Down on to the floor, there was no one to blame

Now Playskool, Now Fisher Price, Now Little Tikes, Now Disney
On Melissa and Doug, On Crayola, On Lego, and Etsy

Toys stacked to the top of the tree, to the top of the wall
Now reorganize, reorganize to fit them all!

Mommy had to come up with a plan she knew
St. Nick would not be back to help tame this shrew

Then up in my head, an idea, I felt like such a goof
Just restack them nicely it will be full proof

I have skipped a few lines don’t think me not merry
If I don’t get more sleep I will become quite scary

So laying a finger aside of my nose
I blew it and headed back for a doze

Tomorrow will be a good day to deal with this, I thought as I left the sight
Of the fruits of Christmas past so I say to all a good night!  

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